Hybrid TV. Internet-capable TV sets take over German living rooms

Berlin, 30 June 2010. The internet is becoming a standard feature of modern TV sets. Around a fifth of all TV sets sold in Germany will be networked with the World Wide Web at the end of 2010. Goldmedia forecasts around 23 million internet-capable TV sets in German living rooms by 2015, representing 61 percent of all TV households.

Goldmedia also predicts that the share of regular internet-on-TV users will increase to 58 percent by 2015. Extrapolated to all German TV households, this means that every third household will regularly view Internet TV content via the TV set by 2015.

The advent of internet on the TV hasn’t just broadened users’ possibilities. As various hybrid TV concepts and converged devices are introduced, many new and influential providers are pushing their way into the living room. TV and consumer electronics manufacturers have suddenly found themselves in an intense competition with global players from the online and computer industries.

It’s not just Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, and now Google TV that attest to the struggle in the IT world for establishment in the networked home and on the living room TV. These companies must also compete against game console providers, whose entire, current generation of devices is online capable, offering users much more than online gaming. Via a browser, game console users can surf the internet or access movies on their platform’s video-on-demand store.


Key Findings

• 23 million hybrid TV sets in German households
• One in three TV homes will have access to television on the web by 2015
• New providers compete with established players for the central position in the living room


For more information read the German press release

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