Infrastructure competition in the Broadband market

A well-developed market for broadband internet is a central factor for societal growth. Germany has joined the European average in broadband development with penetration at 24 % of the population (at the end of 2007). However, the moderate level of competition among the individual infrastructures of Cable televisions, DSL and wireless makes further advances difficult.


Goldmedia identifies important success factors in the study „Infrastructure competition in the Broadband market” and describes the current obstacles to development in the German market.


The comparison of European Broadband markets shows that the same success factors are consistently present in highly-developed markets. The penetration rates are always high when coupled with attractive price and product offerings. Highly-developed markets are also characterised by intensive competition within the DSL market and, at the same time, a high level of technological competition among the different infrastructures (TV Cable, DSL, Wireless).


The study analyses the important success factors in the European Broadband market in the framework of a secondary data analysis. It contains an extensive analysis of the German Broadband market as well as country profiles of Belgium, France, the UK, Austria and Switzerland.


The results of the study:

  • Germany lies within the European average, at 24% (of population) Broadband penetration (at the end 2007).
  • A Europe-wide comparison in the study shows that infrastructure competition is the key to higher broadband penetration.
  • There is pronounced competition in the German DSL market, while competition is lacking among different infrastructures.
  • Using economies of scope leads to further consolidation of the competitors in the rivalry with Deutsche Telekom.



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The report is available only in German. If you require information in English, please contact us for further questions.

55 pages, 50 tables plus PPT 69 pages


Author of the study

Michael Schmid

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