Mobile Life: 10 Theses

The new Goldmedia report, "Mobile Life 2012". Mobile Life in the 21st century. Presents status quo and outlook in Germany; describes the different services and markets for "Mobile Life"; gives a five year forecast on revenues in Germany. It includes information about the framework conditions, technical aspects, economic parameters, market developments, consumer usage habits and customer perspectives.

Results of the report as 10 theses:

Thesis 1: A life without mobile handsets is no longer imaginable for people under 30!

Thesis 2: Spread of users and target groups: People 40+ prefer linear media and use their mobile mostly for traditional services such as voice telephony. People under 20, who have grown up with digital media, use the entire range of services and applications of mobile devices.

Thesis 3: Demographic change will lead to a high usage of mobile phones by elderly people. Devices should be adjusted for these users, who will account for the majority within the next decades! To reach today´s generation of people 50+, adjusted handsets & services must also be offered.

Thesis 4: Mobile devices are the number one tool for organising and structuring all interpersonal, private and business communication. Their importance will increase even more.

Thesis 5: Being “always on” and using mobile devices at any time and place will become increasingly normal. Many users do not realise that the switch-off button can grant autonomy and freedom.

Thesis 6: The internet makes entertainment and information available at any time and any place! Mobile internet will make mobile phones more and more indispensable!

Thesis 7: The way to consume music has changed radically. Nowadays everyone have access to all music ever produced.

Thesis 8: Due to lifestyle changes (higher mobility, flexibility) mobile phones meet the demand for mobile entertainment. There is no device better able to adjust to new usage situations and periods than mobile phones.

Thesis 9: Mobile phones' features will increasingly replace the functions of other devices. The phones will become people's most important constant companion. They are the embodiment of convergence: one device including telephone, camera, MP3-player, calender, internet access, etc.

Thesis 10: The consumer benefits from more and more attractive data pricing: Mobile Internet becomesa mass market in Germany.

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