Music quotas on European radio

With this study, Goldmedia presents the first analysis of existing quota systems for local music and new artists on national radio programmes in Europe. Focus of this study was to ascertain whether radio music quotas have a verifiably positive effect on domestic music’s commercial success and to find out which other factors are significant for domestic artists’ success.

The study is published in German, the Executive Summary published as Mini Report in English.

Mini Report in English:

3 pages and 2 Tables, 100,00 Euro (excl. VAT)

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Diverse quota systems across Europe

In order to promote their domestic culture and language, about 20 European countries have adopted a diverse range of quota systems and/or voluntary industry commitments. These regulations, as the study shows, can only be evaluated as country-specific directives and are not suited to serve as an example for other countries.

Sources for the German study

The study “Musikquoten im europäischen Radiomarkt” (available only in German)was published in October by publishing house “Verlag Reinhard Fischer, Munich, with the ISBN-Number: 3-88927-387-4

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