Performers' rights in today's European environment. Seminar AEPO-ARTIS

AEPO-ARTIS Seminar Performers' rights in today's European environment: how to adapt existing rights to new uses of performances? will be held on 18-19 November 2010 in Brussles.

Goldmedia Managing Director Dr. Klaus Goldhammer takes part and  gives a speech to the subject: Online broadcasting in Germany. Business models and market trends.

The meeting will be held over one day and a half and it will comprise three panels on the following topics:

1 - Webcasting, streaming, downloading...: how does daily Internet use impact on the development of cultural content?

2 - Intellectual property rights' answers to new technologies

3 - Collective management of rights in a globalised environment: role and challenges

date and location

18-19 November 2010
Brussels, Crowne Plaza « Le Palace »
Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Brussels

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