Goldmedia Trend Monitor 2019. Outlook on developments in the areas of media, entertainment and the internet

Infograph Goldmedia Trend Monitor 2018, © Goldmedia/Franziska Veh

Berlin, 13/12/2018. Every year, the Goldmedia consulting and research group publishes analyst commentaries on relevant trends for the coming year in Germany. The Trend Monitor 2019 provides an outlook on selected developments in the areas of media, entertainment and the internet.

Topics of the Trend Monitor 2019

The Goldmedia Trend Monitor 2019 addresses disruption in the moving image market, the declining duopoly and new players in the online advertising sector, and the latests trends in the gaming industry such as gaming as a service and mobile shift. It asks whether audio is advancing to become the new leading medium, whether A-VoD can save the TV broadcasters and industry, and how the book industry is working to hang on to its readers. The Trend Monitor 2019 also takes a look at the expected changes in the streaming market, explains how algorithms are making inroads at the cinema box office, and highlights how nanos are becoming a trend in influencer marketing.

Today the report was published.