October 24, 2007: HORIZON 2012 in Paris

Conference HORIZON 2012: Strategies for success in the digital age in Paris


The move toward a “full digital” world has major implications for the media industry. Network operators, service providers, content owners, producers and distributors must get their strategies right if they are to fully exploit the new digital age.


The European Commission’s policies surrounding digital switchover will have significant impacts on industry players. Current issues include: “How will the released spectrum be allocated amongst operators?”; “Will the transition to a ‘Digital Age’ create a single European market for media?” and “Will it lead to a shared set of governing rules across all European countries involved?”


Goldmedia partner NPA (France) has developed this seminar along with its European partners 3Vision (UK), Goldmedia (Germany) and Asset Media Consulting (Spain).


The Convergence’s leaders will compare their vision of the issues surrounding the digital revolution


Christine ALBANEL (Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication), Guiliano BERRETTA (Eutelsat), Michel BOYON (CSA), Patrick de CAROLIS (France Télévisions), Michel COMBES (TDF), Jean-Michel HUBERT (Comité Stratégique pour le Numérique), Didier LOMBARD (France Télécom), Bertrand MEHEUT (Canal+), Nonce PAOLINI (TF1), Viviane REDING (Commissaire Européen), Nicolas de TAVERNOST (M6)…


Press Contact : NPA: Fabienne Dexidour-Staut – 01 41 31 99 29 – fdexidourstaut@npaconseil.com


For further question you can also contact Dr. Katrin Penzel