Report Mobile Life 2012

Mobile devices are the No1 tool for organizing and structuring the entire interpersonal private and business communication. Their importance will increase even more. The internet makes entertainment and information available at any time and any place! Mobile internet will make mobile phones more and more indispensable!

The new Goldmedia report Mobile Life 2012. Mobile Life in the 21st century. Status quo and outlook in Germany gives an overview on what “Mobile Life“ is. It includes information about the framework conditions, technical aspects, economic parameters, market developments as well as usage habits and the customer perspectives. The report describes the different services and markets for 'Mobile Life' and gives a five year forecast on revenues in Germany.



  • Overview: “Mobile Life“
  • Framework Conditions for “Mobile Life“
  • Technical Conditions: Digital Laws of Information Technology
  • Economic Parameters: Mobile Market in Germany
  • Market Developments: End-User Devices
  • Customer Research and Customer Perspective
  • Usage Habits in Germany
  • Services and Markets for “Mobile Life“: Mobile Entertainment, Mobile Internet, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Commerce, Payment and Ticketing, Mobile Navigation and Location Based Services
  • Benchmark: Experiences in Japan, South Korea and Italy
  • Forecasts for ”Mobile Life“
  • Outlook and Thesis


The report was supported by BITKOM.