Assignment of the Goldmedia-Award for graduation thesis in the field of media economics

Dr. Hanne Detel, Felix Riesenberg, Fiona Fehlmann (v.l.n.r.), © Goldmedia 2018

Berlin, 14th February 2018. In February 2018 the Research and Consultancy groups of Goldmedia ( have assigned for the second time the award for innovative graduation thesis in the area of media economics. The award was endowed with 1500 Euro and distributed among three graduates: the awarded dissertations belong to Hanne Detel (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen) on the subject of online celebrities - Celebrities in the digital area, Fiona Fehlmann (University of Zurich) about influence of public service media narratives and Felix Riesenberg (Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien of Hannover) about usage of music streaming.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Goldhammer: „Applications with high topicality

„The list of the submitted graduation thesis looks like an up-to-date guide to media industry digitalisation. The great number of applications and the extraordinarily high level of the dissertations surprised us also this year“ – this is the summing-up of Prof. Dr. Klaus Goldhammer, Chairman of the Jury and Managing Director and Partner of Goldmedia. „The assessment of the graduation thesis was exciting and the decision for the winners was challenging due to the high number of good and relevant works concerning the very latest topics. For this reason, in addition to the first three dissertations we awarded, once again, other works with a certificate.“

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